Hi, I’m Pam

I'm a wife, a life coach, a Metro Mom and Jesus lover. Like many of you, I've spent years hustling to build financial freedom, piecing things together on the fly (which, let's be honest, can be exhausting and expensive!). I invested in countless webinars, courses, and business ventures – helpful, sure, but they only took me so far.

The breakthrough came when I realized financial freedom wasn't just about following cookie-cutter plans. It's about infusing those financial strategies with your own unique gifts and a faith-fueled confidence. That's why I created a holistic plan that blends your talents, abundant thinking, and a strategic roadmap – all powered by faith in God.

If you're ready to finally find a personalized path to financial freedom, built with Christian values and keeping retirement in mind, this program is for you.

And I am here to push you to your wealthy place!

The Facts and More…

Mom of three

Married over 25 years

Enneagram 3, ESFJ

Christian - I love Jesus and I love you too.

Productivity enthusiast - Planners, Vision Boards, and Goal Setting get me pumped

Life Coach Certification - The Life Coach School

Integrative Life Coach Certification - Ethical Coaching Collective

What I want most is for you to know I see you, I hear you and I accept you as the beautiful person God made you to be. You can live a financially free life flowing from your gifts and purpose.