Confident Steps to Financial Freedom Coaching

Get consistent income through incorporating wealth building strategies.

Get clear on your financial goals and build a financial plan now that strategically creates financial certainty during retirement.

Financial certainty is within reach for you.

My invitation

Imagine if you:

  • you had consistent passive income streams

  • had a strategic plan to be debt-free

  • you knew where to invest money for a secure retirement

  • you had a work-optional life


  • Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Dive into transformative sessions tailored just for you, where we uncover your unique strengths and financial potential.

  • In-Depth Financial Assessment: Gain clarity with a comprehensive evaluation that reveals where you stand and what’s holding you back.

  • Customized Financial Freedom Blueprint: Receive a step-by-step plan designed to reset your finances and empower you to confidently take charge of your wealth-building journey.

  • Exclusive Tools and Strategies: Access proven tips and resources that tackle your specific challenges, paving the way for your financial success.

Your session will be


Work with me to create a customized transformation. You may have similar issues as others, BUT you’re different and I want to see, hear and understand the issues unique to you. You are God's masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made on your own life’s journey with desires specific to you. We will work together to uncover what is keeping you financially stuck and create a strategic plan that aligns with your financial goals.


I hear you when you say “I always…,” I never…,” and “I keep…” as you talk about the cycles of financial frustration you can’t seem to get out of. You may be anxious and stressed and find yourself “losing it.” I’ll help you identify your financial triggers and help you strategize a financial plan that you feel confident in pursuing.


The way I see it is we are partners in this. In this safe space I will work with you to help you create the financial freedom you long for. Using my toolkit of coaching strategies we will create a strategic financial plan that aligns your financial reality with your financial freedom goals.

“What has been poured into me will have a lifetime impact.”

W. Sykes

“She helped me understand how to think about making positive changes in my relationship but also be realistic that they will have impact over time and not always immediately.”

Cara L.

This is for you if:

  • you are sick of feeling overwhelmed in your financial decisions

  • you want to unlock your full potential and achieve your financial goals

  • you know that retirement is coming but you're struggling to make progress with planning

  • you wish there was a way to follow a proven plan

  • you want help knowing where to invest your money

  • you want to know how to create passive income

This is not for you if:

  • you already have a personal financial plan that is working for you

  • you are clear on your retirement plans

  • you know how to create financial freedom by investing passively

  • you don’t need any help achieving your goals

  • your current financial systems are working great

Meet the Coach

I'm am your biggest cheerleader and truly devoted to seeing you win in your finances. Furthermore, I believe you and I are worthy of wealth because we are daughters of the King.

Working from this foundational belief I come to coaching sessions with confidence and certainty that you will get results. Wealth is your birthright and God has connected us to bring it forth.

While you may think you are doing it all wrong or not doing enough, I see that there is so much you have done that is right, and the best is yet to come!

Let’s walk out this journey to financial freedom together with God at the center and strategies aligned with your purpose and goals.


  • This coaching is designed with you in mind. It’s built on proven principles of financial freedom, personalized to align with your unique strengths, values, and goals. By focusing on what makes you unique and leveraging that, this program provides a roadmap tailored to your needs. Success depends on your commitment, but if you follow the steps and stay consistent, you will see the progress you desire.

  • Results vary from person to person, but many of my clients start noticing positive changes within the first few weeks. These might be subtle shifts in mindset, clarity in financial planning, or small wins that build momentum. Remember, this is a journey, and while some changes are immediate, others will unfold as you continue to apply what you learn.

  • Fear is natural, especially when it comes to investing in your future. But consider this: what’s the cost of staying where you are? Investing in this program is an investment in your financial freedom, your peace of mind, and your future. I’m here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your investment is not just a financial decision, but a step toward achieving the life you want.